Sunday, March 22, 2009


We're headed home! As I write this, our church family at CCF is just beginning the Sunday mornng worship, and we're headed north from Sacramento. We'll see them this evening.

We've been on the road since 6:15am. Left Merced in the dark, and in the midst of a cold rain. Weather now is sunny and clear, but the forecast looks like we'll see more precipitation today. If you're reading this before 2 or 3pm, please pray for us as we come through the I-5 pass in southern Oregon. Lord willing, we should be home about 9pm.

Last night we had our last group devotion time. We looked at how we respond to God's word, with an eye toward what He's spoken to us about this week. We talked about confession and repentance, then keyed in on Luke 3:8-14 - where we're urged to do deeds in keeping with repentance. The three groups in the passage who then ask, "What should we do?" are each urged to change how they deal with their money and possessions.

This is where many of us in the grpup are at, I think. Wanting to change the way we think and deal with our material abundance, for the sake of God's kingdom. The challenge is coming. We've heard the word. We've agreed with it (confession), and we've begun to change our mind and direction (repentance). But now we're headed home. Will we bear fruit in keeping with repentance? Or will we be like the third soil, where the worries of the world, the deceitfulness of riches, and desires for other things spring up and choke the word, so it becomes unfruitful (Mark 4:14-19). Lord, You are so faithful. Give us grace to walk in all that Your Spirit leads us in.


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